Thursday, October 25, 2007

...keeps me warm...

after I leave

what do i have

that keeps me warm

but the image

of you lying in bed

with that soft smile

on your face

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


six twenty seven

six forty six

out the door

and into the door

half asleep

half asleep

(guess then I'm asleep)

gas pedal dream

across the sludge

canal bridge

closed windows

mean nothing

when the vapors

seep in

(at this hour

I can't find a sub

to help me drive

this class home)

Saturday, October 06, 2007

...passed you by...

at only eleven bucks

I should have taken you

with me and read that first

poem again and again

because it was your last

and yet I left you

on the shelf

where one leaves

the books

before going

into the bathroom

(you were hard


and I want to slam

my finger into the car

door for not making

you my own