Friday, July 25, 2008




sucks (...)


this place

is filthy)


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

...coin star...

when do you panic

when  the money runs out

           the water runs dry

          the damn nearly bursts

           the lump in your throat

doesn't fill me 

with confidence

Saturday, July 19, 2008


it is hot as fuck

and you wear pants

because you are a hipster

and complain about it

like we should care

(Satomi, you are the smartest

woman in indie rock)

Friday, July 18, 2008

...three dog night...


I will not sing Joy

to the World

or talk of a bullfrog

but the dog's barking

at the car door slams

and the scurrying howl

that translates to

"where are you?!?!?!"

forces me to keep them

assured that it will

be a short short night

and a long long weekend

(for Shea, Buddy, and Chester)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

...range of motion...

want to experience 

sadness and happiness

all at once?

Tell someone

who doesn't love you

anymore to have

a happy birthday

and really mean it

while watching 

Tim, Eric, and Zach

advertise for Absolut

and you'll cry

and you won't know

exactly why

that is

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 sky bitter...


the shore birds find

unfamiliar ground

and greet it without

hesitation because

the seasons have shifted

like the taste

and acidity of the air

forced by our hand

Saturday, July 12, 2008

...take me to the river...

in a blink

you came and went

back on your infamous

stroll through the trail

and frolic on the Delaware

when the sounds of things

natural beckons the toads

and creatures splashing

two more animals

on the path and in the camp

two more animals

feeling at home

in the shade

of the raised nook

above the river

that I took you to

and that you take

with me

Saturday, July 05, 2008 day...

the nation celebrates

independence and I sit here

in the dark loathing it

(mine, not the nation's)

realizing how desperate

the situation has become

and just how dependent

upon you I am 

(once again, not the nation)

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

...wishing it away...

got to go to

the store to buy more

ham even though

you don't eat ham

but crave it like god

damn chocolate 

and you redirect

your energies to avoid

feeling the guilt

that I know you feel

and can see you 

in my head

wishing it away