Monday, December 29, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 available...


Monday, December 22, 2008

...a warming red...

inched in bit

by bit a little

sitting and sipping

whispering little

magics into ears

and buds     

tongues and tastings

infused in 

and of fruits 

of this ground

this earth

this earthy

first sip and this 

aromatic/erotic dance

simple yet torrid

unbruised yet handled

Sunday, December 21, 2008

...soft shot...

the photo is missing

and the image wants

and demands for a chance

to be viewed: the disappointment

is only technological,

the skin is still soft

and tastes of salt, stress

and use: the myth realized

in the kiss that makes

the wound heal:

we will try as long as we remain wounded 

Friday, December 19, 2008

...Sadie in the Snow...

this magic white 

ball is always in play

and as I cup my hands

and smooth it out

you come to me

smiling                 breath freezing

                       into little clouds

at the tips of your whiskers

looking for where 

the white ball went 

and realizing it landed 

all over the place


Thursday, December 18, 2008

...(social) security...

a closet for a grand

and a half

or room with a half

of a shelf?

(these aren't

the dilemmas

of the security

deposit, but

the security

of the depositor)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

...major adjustment...

the decompression

of the spine 

is the alleviation

of the pressures

we compound

in each footprint

we leave behind

we need to live


Tuesday, December 09, 2008 ministry...

Harold Camping 

I swear to god

is the scariest thing

on the television

...going to sleep is harder these days....

going to sleep

is harder these days

thinking of the things

flying around my head

trying to swat

at them like dogs

dreaming that 

they are running

circling around me

Monday, December 08, 2008

...distance party...

the guise of youth

is no longer the shirt

she wears or the way 

she holds her hair up

it is the fact that she

acts out of place

on purpose to get

someone to help

her find another

lost venue 

or forgotten show

one she went 

to in her twenties

when she swooned 

around the room

chatting up all 

players and shakers

looking for a different

song from each one

Sunday, December 07, 2008

...lost and found pt. III...

things I've lost this year:

my home
my dog
my grandma
my self
my love


aren't grievances

they are attempts
at recounting

the images
the heart holds 

closest when
it is cold outside)


blindly go for the picture
record the song
write the words
ask why 
you do it and wonder
why you did that
why you
caused the closest
things to explode


if this is remittance 
then let this be remittance
for all these children
I have taken on


I want to be molybdenum

and all will add me

for fortitude






...marked man...

all of this

nonsense has got to end

and what better time

than during the declaration

that this new one

will be indeed new

and that the words

will find their ways

into new ears 

before new eyes

and firmly solidify

themselves onto the page

that gets turned

by several hands

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Monday, December 01, 2008 classes...

these classes simply

did not exist years

ago: remedial

at this level

meant high school

and if you could 

not put a sentence

together they

didn't let you in

at all