Sunday, September 28, 2008

...imperfect from now on...

safe travels my friends

and show that we 

nor they 

are the enemy

and that the perfection

we seek to attain

is just as foolish

as any utopian dream

conjured up 

by the leaders

of our states

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

...the article spoke in pronouns...

I we the the we

(am able to find)

(are not able to find)

(table dancer dank pit)

(lush loathsome brown tree)

(gamble at the bay)

I we the the we

(will not give cup)

(cannot give up cup)

(former president's pancake)

(fresh flour funneling down)

(stampede at a cricket's chirp)

I we the the we

(am dancing three beats ahead)

(clam closer like clams)

(terrible fever you get away with)

(accent in her hourglass)

(forgot to say good)(bye)

I we the the we

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


all tomorrow's

parties will come

back to haunt me

in the ghosts 

of an abandon

hotel and the joys 

of the first kiss

and the last song

of the evening

that came as soon

as the early exit

as soon as 

we were loveless

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

...inimitable fashion...

removing the webs

you opened up these eyes

and moved these old 

bones over deciding

to invent or reinvent

the concepts of heaven

and hell, depth 

and depravity

only to continue

on your stroll

through the yard

Friday, September 12, 2008

...mazel tov...

congrads John & Kim!!!
thank you for making me
a special part of you big day!!!
I love you guys!!!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

...helping with the loading...

when we talked 

tonight you asked

me how I like 

my job

and I told 

you my name

as my answer

said it was

clever & convenient

Sunday, September 07, 2008

...stupid cupid...


where's my Cass

where's my Cass

sitting in class

here on my ass

where's my Cass

where's my Cass


Friday, September 05, 2008 do list minus the capital...

my morning jacket in philly (watch the wind)

silver jews in brooklyn, manhattan, hoboken (watch the storm)

john's wedding on the hudson (perform the ritual)

doug at kutsher's (so f'ing wierd)

mbv finally (in the borscht belt?)

doug at terminal 5 (bring a sweater)

gas money? (hmmm...)

Monday, September 01, 2008

...go get 'em big guy...

Let's cut down 

on the Challah 

big guy...

I'll curb the ale...

and we'll both work

on the coughing...

Happy Birthday Dad!!!